Monday, January 27, 2014

Letter To Carson

At the request of my mother I am posting this letter that I wrote to my son while he was away at Recruit Training for the US US Naval Sea Cadet Corps.
                                                                                                                                                                                December 29, 2013
Dear Carson,

Into the life of every man, come a select few defining moments. Moments that he will be able to look back on and see, that they were pivotal in making him the man he has become. These moments may be such things as when he first meets his future bride, the birth of his children, selflessly serving others or perhaps following a dream.

I believe that you are in the midst of one of these moments. The things that you experience and learn during your time at Camp Pendleton, will provide you with a lifetime of memories. Savor every moment, push yourself harder than you ever have before, exceed every expectation. It is when men challenge themselves to push through the hardship, that they truly grow and learn what they are made of.

Immerse yourself in your surroundings, take advantage of every opportunity offered to you. The only limits to your ability are those that you impose upon yourself. If there is something you do not understand, speak up and ask questions at the appropriate time. Be willing to set aside your fears and try new things. Let this be your time to spread your wings and soar to new heights.

You carry the name of the bravest person I have ever known, that of my brother. He was strong in the face of adversity, never wavering. He was tender and meek towards those less advantaged, yet fierce against those that would do wrong to him or others. He was an Honorable and God loving man, and you do his name justice by carrying it forward. If he were here to give you some advice, I feel confident he would say, Honor those that went before you, extend a helping hand to all those that follow behind you, love God, Stand for Truth, fight for those who cannot fight for themselves, Be Humble, Be Generous and never make a decision based on if it is easy or not, but on if it is Right or not.

Your first family members to sail to these shores came in the 1600's, and they continued to come for generations from many different lands and cultures. They all sought the same thing, Freedom and a better way of life. They have all been Men and Women of Conscience that did what needed to be done, not through some external form of coercion, but because it was the Right thing to do. They were pioneers, unafraid to blaze new trails and settle new lands, often in extremely harsh conditions. From Connecticut to California, from Virginia to Oregon and everywhere in between. Their sacrifices helped build this great country. Be proud of who you are and where you came from.

You come from an extended family rich in the tradition of serving their country. Your forefathers have willingly served their country for nearly 250 years, from the War of Independence, the War of 1812, the War between the States and through most of the conflicts of the last Century. They have stood tall and answered the call. You Honor them through your service in the Sea Cadets.

Carson, I am so very proud of you and the exceptional young man that you are. The choices that you have recently been making, will serve you well throughout your life. I know you can and will achieve many wondrous things. Let your light shine Son, be that beacon in the night that others seek out. I am honored to be your father. You are one of MY DEFINING MOMENTS.

All my love,

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