Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Welcome to my world

Welcome to my blog.

This is my attempt at dragging myself into the 21st century. I am sometimes ill at ease with all the digital media available and propensity of people today, to interact electronically. I tend to think it leads to isolation and an overall lack of civility and human interaction. I do use social networking sites ie: facebook and twitter, and do know how to text message albeit slowly. I absolutely refuse to use "text speak" in any way shape or form. I do not play video games and can barely tolerate being in the same room when they are being played. Suffice it to say I am probably more comfortable with a quill pen and an inkwell.

It has been said of me, that I was born in wrong century. There is certainly a ring of truth in that. I prefer a slower pace of life, leaning more towards travel via backroads and byways, small towns and nearly forgotten cemeteries. I like food made from scratch over anything out of a box and vegetables out of my own garden. I could spend hours on end around a pickle barrel in a 19th century General Store and feel right at home.

I enjoy talking over the fence line with "Jack" my neighbor, being on a first name basis with "Whit" my mailman and look forward to Thursday mornings when "Joe" the milkman makes his rounds.

I have decided to start this blog, so that I can record my thoughts for anyone that might be interested. It has become apparent to me, that some people today prefer the digital world to the real world. (Yes I mean those of you that text me, but refuse to answer the phone when I call) I find it strange that people won't answer the phone when they just sent a text. It seems to me, that if you in a situation where you can not answer the phone, perhaps you shouldn't be texting either.

I will try to keep on top of this missive, feel free to leave any comments.

My personal disclaimer: Please do not be offended by anything that I may write. I am not politically correct and simply call things as I see them.